And that in itself is not a bad achievement, for a once timid and frighten woman. I found strong, dominant women especially frightening." Apparently, she morph into a lioness with the strength to motivate.Īlthough I think she attempts to do so, and I may have missed the section where Bevere actually explains the nature of achievement - I find that she merely shares her lioness dream, accomplishments, travels and gives women encouragement to ban together and do the same. " I was terrified by almost everything outside my control and intimidated by the majority of people I met. The author appears by her own admission to have been a timid individual who finally found her voice and wants the world to hear what she has to say. She goes on to share that she was only a stay-at-home mom with a dysfunctional past.and now here was God telling her she was destined for more. To become, a motivational speaker to women. To discover in an intense dream or out of body experience of a lioness - a vision and message sent by God. And like so many, she was looking for her own identity from her spouse and children, and perhaps seeking some self-worth and validation. She was tired of being thought of as weak and whiny. After all, she states that she wanted to recover some of the strength she'd forfeited while trying to fit in as the pastor's nice Christian wife. To finally escape from behind her husband's shadow.

I find Lioness Arising to be a testimony to the author's own ability to wake up and change her world. The author offers Lioness Arising as a vehicle to empower women to realize their strength, courage, and direction with a significant amount of biblical verses interwoven throughout her motivational message. The author offers Lioness Arising as a vehicle to empower women to realize their strength, courage, and direction with a significant amount of biblical verses interwoven throughout her motivational mess In Lioness Arising, author and "Motivational" speaker Lisa Bevere uses the lioness as a metaphoric symbol for women, in challenging them to discover their passion and purpose as she has done - by rising up and taking hold of the power God has given them, and by waking up and changing their world. In Lioness Arising, author and "Motivational" speaker Lisa Bevere uses the lioness as a metaphoric symbol for women, in challenging them to discover their passion and purpose as she has done - by rising up and taking hold of the power God has given them, and by waking up and changing their world. "We cannot help our world if we close our eyes and ears and hide from the pain that is around us." We are to live in the light and hunt in the dark, let the older lions roar and the younger ones ambush! From this fortress of strength, we can effectively strategize the hunt, take on the wild chase and eliminate any prey. When we unite to protect, we create a fiercely shielded arena. Lioness Arising sounded the alarm for us to arise, wake up and make a difference! Not to just "be” but to 'do"! It compelled us to become answers, not problems.Īs lionesses in a pride, women are to greet and groom each other, grow and share with each other, express value for each other. As women we found our voice, our whispers turned into roars against the injustices of abuse and sex trafficking. Lisa's analogies were mind-provoking and challenging. As each of us took the time to read the chapters our lives gained strength and encouragement from the prowess of lioness.
Lioness arising series#
I not only read Lioness Arising, I viewed the videos and taught the series to a women's study group. Lioness Arising sounded the alarm for us to arise, Lisa Bevere's ,Lioness Arising, is a "now" word for women.

Lisa Bevere's ,Lioness Arising, is a "now" word for women.